Chemistry and compatibility

The other day I was on a date. Discussion went into compatibility of life partners, alignment on likes/dislikes, hobbies etc etc. Whenever this topic comes up, it always reminds me of a friend. In some senses he's similar to me, he has immensely diverse interests. But unlike me, he is exceptionally good in whatever he does, to the extent that others in those fields look up to him.

People say, when you are dating someone you shouldn't bring up other guys, or girls for that matter- but I made an exception for this one. I told my date how this friend has always been an inspiration. He had his own struggles and a very rough childhood. He also witnessed family feuds early in life. Hailing from a rural part of west UP, he's not a stranger to chaos, and was exposed to some really brutal circumstances in early days. However, despite all the tragedies and tumult around him, he managed to get educated and acquired exceptional skills in various domains like organisation building, people management, and arts, specially.. music. Yes, he also plays musical instruments. Even pets are spellbound - I think more than the music itself, it’s his charismatic gestures while he plays music and an aura of delight which attracts pets. That's what I like about him. He managed to stay a human being with emotions and carried a nose for finer things in life. He is a magnetic personality- inspiration for men, Mr charming for women. You'll find him surrounded by women from most affluent families across the country.

However, he still loves to spend time on the farms in his native village. He has a childhood friend who's exactly the opposite. You may choose to call her a girlfriend, but I think those labels mean different things to different people. She's quiet, doesn't have interest in finance, administration, management, etc or any other material things, and doesn't want to move to the city with this friend of mine. They both share a strange chemistry. They can go months without seeing each other. Rumours are that the guy may be in a relationship in the city, but his childhood girlfriend in the village doesn't care. They both meet each other infrequently, but when they meet you can feel the love in the air. She dresses modestly, doesn't spend much on makeup, but her radiance and presence itself is enough to put hi fi city girls to shame. I think it's her grace, simplicity and a sense of community which sets her apart. She ensures that all of the villagers are living a happy peaceful life, and in her presence - no injustice can happen. All in her close circle can be assured that they'll be taken care of. Ironically, this sense of communal bonding with her village is the most likely cause of them still being separate. She won't move to the city, leaving her village behind and he won't come back to the village for he has outgrown it. However, that doesn't lessen their feelings and admiration they have for each other. Like I said, once they are around - love is in the air. 

As my friend climbed the ladders and became a bigshot, he got busier and busier, but he still visits the village and likes to spend time with his folks, playing music, continuing to spellbound everyone including the  pets  - like he did before he was a bigshot. 

At some point he moved to Gujarat because his area was becoming uninhabitable due to constant violence and chaos. Apparently there was some kind of gang war with some Bihar group. He established himself in Gujarat, taking advantage of the untapped potential of the resources and trade opportunities there. Continuing to build on his connections and talent, he became advisor to a major political power in the NCR area and eventually a kingmaker. 

Once his another childhood friend, visited him in his mansion in Gujarat. While this poor friend thought that he wouldn't even recognize him, he not only welcomed him - he even ate his mediocre steamed rice which he was carrying in a Togo box! Such is his humility. 

So as I was telling this to my date, she got curious - "If the guy is such a big shot, who also seems like a multifaceted polymath, and on top of that you say he's a kingmaker - he must be famous". 

"Yes, and you know him", I said. 

"OK, give me a hint. Where is he?"

"He's right here, He has always been..".